
  • Everything is always up-to-date and synchronized automatically
  • Publishers receive notifications through the mobile app to submit field service, accept assignments, and more
  • Hourglass can import your data from KHS, NW Scheduler, or TSWIN.
  • Export your congregation's data via PDF, DOCX, CSV, or JSON
  • You can generate a PDF of S-21 Publisher Record Cards, for one publisher or for the entire Congregation. The S-21 totals for each publisher type is also generated.
  • The delegates feature allows one publisher to submit reports for another (such as a parent for their child).
  • Emergency/disaster contacts can be maintained for each publisher.
  • Hourglass keeps track of field service groups and organizes many reports by them. It also allows you to enter your meeting attendance for each month and generate an S-88 PDF.

Language Groups

  • See a list of missing field service reports for each publisher
  • Monthly totals, ready for submission to the Branch
  • Detailed list of all monthly activity
  • Congregation statistics, including age, years baptized, and active/inactive/irregular publishers
  • Field service averages per publisher, group, and congregation
  • Regular pioneer progress
  • S-10 Congregation Analysis
  • Service Year Totals